uploads/price level.jpg

price level 物價水平。

price list

Designates the “ market by order “ display , which illustrates the entire depth of the market , displaying each bid and offer at every price level 市場上所有掛單的顯示。描述的是市場的全部深度,并將所有的買賣價表達出來。

It is very competitive due to the advantages of high quality and reliability , smaller volume , quick delivery and a fixed pricing level 此柜型因其品質優良、可靠度高、體積小、交貨快和相對固定的價位水平而極具競爭力。

He made a cautious forecast that china ' s price level would remain high and that the growth rate would slow down 因此,在預測中國的物價趨勢的時候,他認為中國的物價會維持在一個高位,但消費者物價指數增長會放緩。

However at some stage - perhaps a five or 10 per cent increase in the price level - the fixed cost of that reprinting must be paid 然而,在某些階段? ?價格水平可能上漲了5 %或10 % ? ?就必須支付重新打印的固定成本。

Alternatively , strong phasing between fibonacci and pattern exposes highly predictive reversals at narrow price levels 可能的結果是,一個狹幅波動價格水平下的菲波納奇和一些模式產生的強烈信號往往會產生反轉。

That should generate a credit expansion , excess demand , a rise in the domestic price level and an appreciation in the real exchange rate 這應會造成信貸擴張、需求過度、國內價格水平提高及實際匯率上升。

The process will continue , with implications for price levels and short - term growth prospects until equilibrium is reached 經濟融合的過程會使價格水平及短期經濟發展受到影響,直至兩地達到均衡為止。

Although japan had a high price level , it was important to note that the exchange rate did not reflect purchasing power ~ 盡管日本擁有較高的價格水平,然而重要的是要注意匯率并沒有反映購買力平價。

However , analysts warned that current price levels were unsustainable and the market could be approaching another correction 然而分析師們已經警告目前的股市價格無法持久,市場可能接近另一個調整。

With their technical qualities and the attractive price level , they are suitable for oem applications with mean and high quantities 它的工藝質量高,價格吸引人,適用于價格低數量大的oem使用。

As each level carries limited seats , choosing a higher priced level will give you a better chance of seat availability 我們為您預備多項旅游精選,包括機票及酒店優惠,讓您更能輕松計劃旅程。

They ' re putting up second and third residences costing well over $ 1 million - - price levels once reserved for the few waterfront properties 他們一擲百萬,購置第二和第三套湖邊稀有的豪宅。

I use the moving averages as described earlier as well as fibonacci levels and then most definitely trendlines and price levels 我應用均線、斐波納契數列線和明顯的趨勢線和價格水平線。

If the gain is solely due to rising energy prices , then inflation should subside when energy prices level out 如果獲利是因為能源價格上漲,在不考慮能源價格的情況下,通貨膨脹就會消失。

Between 1974 and 1975 , the money supply continued to increase but at a much slower pace than the price level was rising 1974和1975年間,貨幣供給繼續上升,但速度遠低于物價上升速度。

Stretch a grid over the most obvious up or down wave , and see how percentages cross key price levels 在主要的向上趨勢或向下趨勢上畫出珊格線,觀察這些百分比如何穿越關鍵的價格水平。

You might suppose that because the overall price level is not changing a lot , nor are individual prices 你也許會這么認為,正因為物價總水平的變動不大,所以個別價格的浮動也很小。

To check the market price level regularly ( every 3 months ) to verify the competitiveness of the frame agreement 定期(每三個月)了解市場價格水平,以確保框架采購協議具有競爭力。

The technical specifications and attractive price level of these sensors make them ideal for oem applications 這些產品具有很好的性能規格和有競爭力價格,是oem配套客戶的理想產品